
Top School in Kumbakonam
 The ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model (see Figure 3) is the generic course design process that instructional designers and training developers have traditionally used. The initial steps in this model are to analyze educational needs, profile prospective school participants, and identify available resources. IWSGC course designers concluded that prospective participants should be enthusiastic and ambitious researchers who have recently started or are about to start working on Grid projects.
Participants with diverse backgrounds were encouraged to apply. Aiming at a roughly beginner audience scattered across the world, the IWSGC design involved a fully distributed (online) delivery mode
A virtual learning environment of some sort is, of course, central to supporting an online distance learning course. Various levels of sophistication can be selected, from a basic online notice board implemented in static HTML to a fully integrated dynamic environment. Careful resource analysis showed that the timeframe and finances did not allow for either development or implementation of our own course delivery vehicles. Course planners examined many possibilities for presenting the course, including the University of Edinburgh’s island in 2nd Life, Sakai, and Moodle. As we mentioned earlier, the designers decided to use WebCT (Blackboard). Although this might not have been the most recent or versatile implementation, it has been extensively tested and has a support network available. This led to minimal input from the IWSGC team; they directed their efforts to supporting services not available through WebCT (for instance, assessments).


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