Best School in Kumbakonam Students Evaluation - Karthi Vidhyalaya International ICSE School
Best School in Kumbakonam Students Evaluation - Karthi Vidhyalaya International ICSE School
The student’s feedback was collected by the author at the end of the third week and after the contest (after all kids had left the university and everything was cleaned up). The following points were discussed: Were you able to improve your soft skills like organization abilities, project management and team work? Did you learn something about embedded system? How did you feel being supported by the lecturer? How was the cooperation in your team? Students reported that they learned technical knowledge as well as professional skills which included project organization and project management. They also reported that they really liked the project itself and had fun doing this for High School kids who may be would study at the same university later on. At most the students liked the real event at the end so they felt very motivated thru all the three project weeks. The students made clear that they would choose this project again because of all the fun they had.
A major concern of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technical Journalism of the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University is to provide its students the opportunity to work on real-world problems. Therefore, our department has introduced three project weeks per semester. In the last three summer terms since 2011 the organization of a Lego-robots contest for High School kids was used as a real-world project for the project weeks at HBRS. The university students had to prepare and execute the contest to get their credit points for completing the project. They had to find an overall motto of the contest, invent and prepare funny and interesting tasks for the robot parcour, handle money issues, organize the two days of the contest itself including a show at the beginning, meals, calculating the winner team and do the final award ceremony. More Info
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